
The '89 Crew.

The sophomores have had two crews at work since the Christmas vacation. Of the old crew Storrow, Parker, Hight and Perry are now rowing with the eight. Davis, Schroll and Perkins are rowing with the 'Varsity candidates, while Pfeiffer has been obliged to give up rowing entirely. The crew is somewhat handicapped, from the fact that there is no regular coach, so that the captain is obliged to do all the coaching. Several new men are candidates this year, some of whom are doing very good work.

It is rather hard to say anything very definite about the races this spring, but it is generally believed that '89's chances are especially good. The two crews are at present rowing as follows:

FIRST CREW.Stroke - Storrow, 140.

7 - Parker, 164.


6 - Proctor, 168.

5 - Hight, 158.

4 - Hebard, 170.

3 - Perry, 165.

2 - Woodbury, 145.

Bow - Markoe, 191.

Substitute - Howe, 168.

SECOND CREW.Stroke - Burr.

7 - Bush.
