A suggestion was offered in our columns Friday by a freshman correspondent, tending towards the uprooting of the university at large and the disruption of the college proper - in sooth, a very anarchical proposition. It was in fact nothing more nor less than a partial abandonment of the one time-honored "freshman elective" now spared to us. First in the series of changes came the abolition of the May-Day party in which we all used so to rejoice, then followed other deep-seated and revolutionary reforms, including the suppression of the horrible rites of Bloody Monday Night, and now the freshmen are threatened with an abridgment of their daily exercise at the bowling alleys. Up, freshmen, and be men! Let not your honor be thus stained. Exterminate all who venture thus to outrage and insult you! What effrontery is this, to suggest that part of the space now occupied by you be devoted hereafter to the use of paltry base-ball players? Rather insist on your rights and see to it that a portion of that room now called the "cage" be yielded to your more important demands, and be used henceforth as storage room, now very necessary, for crippled nine-pins and rheumatic balls. See to it that you do not allow the gymnasium officials to deprive you of any part of your wonted play-ground, especially for the advantage of base-ball, a game for which a small closet gives amply sufficient practice room. If by any chance some of your unused alleys should be put to any other use be certain that the college, as a whole, will lend you as much moral and financial aid as the Cambridge car strikers have received from their firm allies, the striking car-men of South Boston.
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Politics and Rallies.