The property of the Yale Boat Club is valued at $10,000.
New bulletin boards have been placed in both entries of Hollis and Stoughton.
Columbia is considering the advisability of making her post-graduate courses free.
The new Trinity gymnasium has in its second story a theatre with a seating capacity of 525.
The Cornell Gun Club complain that they have received no answer from their challege to Harvard.
Captain Terry of the Yale '85 nine is said to be opposed to the proposed University Base-ball League.
The second Cambridge Assembly was held last Saturday night in the gymnasium, and was even more successful than the first.
In view of the fact that Washington's birthday is a legal holiday, many of the colleges will stop all the afternoon recitations.
The freshman class at Harvard has subscribed but $58 towards the University crew. - Yale News. The fame of our freshman class is fast gaining ground.
Captain Perry of the Williams nine and President Merriman of the Columbia team were in New Haven last week trying to gain admission of their respective teams into the proposed new league.
The Glee Club, assisted by the Banjo Club, gave a very pleasant concert in Fall River last Friday night, after which there was a dance and a banquet. During the entertainment Mr. Hayes read several selections which were very well received.
There are said to be over fifty applicants for the office of president of Nevada University conditional on $5,000 salary being voted by the legislature. - Ex.
The Yale News, in an editorial, warns the freshman nine of its fate if it persists in its present sluggishness. It has not yet begun practicing in the gymnasium.
Prof. Alexander Agassiz, curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, has just received the honorary degree of doctor in science from the University of Cambridge.
Fifty-eight years ago no student at Yale was permitted to go sailing without first securing permission from the president; and no permission could be obtained to sail beyond the mouth of the harbor.
The plans for the new Columbia gymnasium presented by the class of 1886, were discussed by Prof. Van Amringe at a meeting of the alumni last Thursday. The building is to cost $125,000 and to occupy 4 city lots.
About fifty Brown University alumni had their annual jollification at Delmonico's, New York, the other evening. Among those present were Professor I. L. Lincoln, Judge Henry E. Howland, General Thomas Ewing, Rowland Hazard, Charles L. Colby and Roswell Smith. Letters of regret were read from George William Curtis, Sunset Cox and others. A number of speeches were made.
Why have not the 'Varsity taken advantage of the warm weather of the past week, and rowed on the river? Surely it is better practice than rowing in the gymnasium. It seems to us that they ought to take every advantage of an opportunity to row on the river, so as to aid them to regain their lost laurels. Yale has been rowing on the water for the past month. We do not offer this as advice, but just as a suggestion.
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