
Fact and Rumor.

Scribner, for March, will contain an article on "The Stability of the Earth," by Prof. N. S. Shaler.

Having been unable to awaken any interest in the new college base-ball league, Lafayette has abandoned it.

It is highly probable that a professional nine will be started in New Haven and join the Eastern League.

Mr. J. J. Hayes requests us to announce that he will meet all men who have private appointments with him in Holden Chapel on Monday, Feb. 21, from twelve to one o'clock p.m.

The Glee Club and the Banjo Club gave a concert in Fall River at the occasion of the founding of a Harvard club. The clubs were very hospitably entertained by their hosts.


Bribery and corruption at Yale: - The faculty of Yale College has offered the college a whole day on Washington's birthday on the condition the freshmen refrain from the usual procession on that day. [And Dr. Dwight is a clergyman, tool!!]

The annual ball of the officers of the Boston School Regiment took place last evening in Odd Fellows Hall. The usual large number was in attendance. The floor was under the management of Col. A. A. Clatur of the Boston Latin School.

Mr. Wendell will meet the members of English 12 at the usual hour in Sever 11 as follows: February 21, Carmait - Endicott; February 23, Faulkner - Huntington; February 25, Keasbey - Musaus; February 25, Page - Rolfe; March 2, Sampson - Zinkeisen.

The winter meeting of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology takes place in a few weeks in their gymnasium on Exeter street.

At the annual dinner of the class of '86, Boston Latin School, Thursday evening, the following officers were elected: President, C. H. Taylor, Jr.; vice-president, H. E. Burton; secretary and treasure, A. M. Morton; orator, J. Vila; poet, R. D. Ware; musicians, H, G. Fuller; historian, F. W. Maley; toast-master, G. V. Leahy.

The following are the first twenty five of the Hasty Pudding Club from '88: Adams, Amory, Appleton, Balch, de Billier, Bohlen, T. Q. Browne, Butler, M. H. Clyde, T. Clyde, Crocker, Daniels, de Gersdorff, Homans, Honore, Porter, Rand, Sampson, Sedgwick, Snow, Spaulding, E. R. Thayer, Winslow, Wood, Woodman. Honorary member - J. S. Tooker, L. S.

The first number of the Epoch, a new weekly published in New York, has appeared. It contains a large number of interesting and well-written articles, contributed by men of no less distinction than Carl Schurz, Mr. Stedman and Prof. Boyesen. The editorials are written in a conservative spirit, and treat the great questions of the day in a sensible, moderate way. The book notices are particularly copious and well done. If the Epoch continues as it has begun, the editors may feel confident of having supplied a need that was felt in the journalistic world.

The Langdell Law Club trial yesterday was a pronounced success. The case on the calendar before Wigmore J. and Beal, J., was the Crown vs. Aram for the murder of Daniel Clark. For the Crown, Mr. Winkler, for the defendant, Julian W. Mack in his own behalf. The attendance at the trial was large and the interest unflagging. A jury of twelve was sworn in without a challenge, although their ignorance was appalling, but two having read Hood's poem, and nobody, Bulwer's novel of "Eugene Aram." The afternoon, from three to five was consumed in the presentation of the evidence of the case. The court reassembled at 6.30 and listened to the arguments of both counsels. At 7.25 Justice Beal delivered his charge, which was lucid and admirable, and in five minutes the jury brought in a verdict of "not guilty."
