HASTY PUDDING CLUB. - The Club will meet at the Brattle-street rooms this evening at 7 30.
C. A. de GERSDORFF, Sec. H. P. C.
There will be a meeting of the Cricket Club this (Friday) evening at 7.30 in 28 Grays.
H. L. CLARK.GLEE CLUB AND BANJO CLUB. - A special drawing-room car will be attached to the Fall River train leaving Boston at 3.40 p.m. to-day. Special Tickets are to be obtained at the ticket office on mention of name.
'89. - All who have not yet paid their subscriptions for cups for the nine are requested to do so as soon as possible at Leavitt & Pierce's, as the management cannot order the cups until they know just how much they can rely upon.
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The Yale Lit. Medal.