GLEE CLUB. - The train for Dover will leave the Boston & Maine station at 4 p.m. to-day.
EVERETT ATHANAENUM. - Members will meet at 8 this evening in Grays 19.
C. H. MOORE, Sec'y.N. H. 4 A. - There will be a one-hour written exercise on Monday, Feb. 21st, at 12 o'clock, in Sever 35.
O. W. HUNTINGTON.There will be a meeting of the Harvard Natural History Society at its room in Lawrence Hall, this evening at 7.30.
T. W. HARRIS, Secretary.There will be an important meeting of the Base-Ball Association this (Wednesday) evening, Feb. 16, at half-past seven in Boylston Hall. All who are interested in inter-collegiate base-ball are urged to be present.
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Official Notice.