There will be a meeting in Boylston Hall this evening to decide whether Harvard will withdraw from the Inter-collegiate Base-Ball Association and enter a new association with Yale and Princeton. Every one in college who is at all interested in base-ball should make it a point to attend this meeting if possible. A very important step is proposed, and it should be decided upon only after a full discussion of the subject. This question has been under consideration for some time by those who have the base-ball interests of the college most at heart. After mature deliberation they have decided that it would be better to form this association, and it only remains for the college to act upon this decision.
We are strongly of the opinion that this proposed association will be far better for Harvard than the existing one is. To be sure, only four championship games will be played in Cambridge, instead of five, as heretofore. But every one of these games will be of the utmost interest. The games with the smaller colleges have never commanded much attention, as can be seen by the small number of spectators attending them. The number of college games need not necessarily be lessened, for practice games can be arranged which would be as interesting as the championship games have been. In games with the smaller colleges we have everything to lose and nothing to gain. A victory over them is immediately forgotten, and the nine receives no credit for it. But if we happen to drop a game to them the nine is condemned in the strongest terms. So it seems to us that Harvard will be taking a wise step if she decides to enter this new league.
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