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It will be seen from the report of the treasurer of the boat club that the freshman class has thus far subscribed the large sum of fifty-eight dollars for the support of the University Crew. We naturally hoped that Ninety would do her share in support of the university teams; but we hardly looked for such unparalleled generosity as this. Only a part of the class has been canvassed, and yet fifty-eight dollars have been collected. In our enthusiasm we wildly dream that two dollars more may be scraped together, and the magnificent total of sixty dollars reached. Ninety, we are proud of you. You are a noble example of heroic self-sacrifice and lavish generosity. You must have been saving your pennies and denying yourselves candy and chewing-gum ever since you entered college! But what would a man not sacrifice for his college! Harvard men have always been pointed out as exemplars of patriotism; but the fame of Ninety shall surpass all. We can safely say that never since the organization of an university crew, has any freshman class contributed so generously as the present one. Fifty-eight dollars! Ninety, Mother Harvard flushes with pardonable pride as she pats you on your little head and sighs with deep emotion. "He is my noblest son!"
