It was resolved at the meeting that the following report be printed simultaneously Monday morning in the Yale News, Princetonian and CRIMSON; although mailed from New York on Saturday evening by special delivery, we did not receive it until nine this morning; we regret that we were obliged to delay its publication a day in consequence. - EDS.]
NEW YORK, Feb. 12, 1887.[OFFICIAL COPY.]
A meeting of delegates of the Base-Ball Associations of Yale, Harvard and Princeton was held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York on Saturday, the twelfth day of February, 1887.
The question of the withdrawal of these clubs from the existing American College Base-Ball Association and the formation of a new league was discussed, and the following resolutions were adopted, subject to the ratification of the individual base-ball associations of the colleges above named, at mass-meetings to be held on Wednesday, February 16, 1887: -
We recommend,
1st, That Yale, Harvard and Princeton withdraw from the American College Base-Ball Association.
2nd, That we form a new association, including only the colleges named - the title of the association to be decided hereafter.
3rd, That we form a constitution and adopt playing rules which shall, if possible, eliminate features calculated to cause unnecessary and undesirable complications and discussions.
4th, That, as a basis of action, we recommend,
(a) That the adoption of any constitution shall be only by unanimous consent.
(b) That umpires be appointed each year, by unanimous consent on the con ditions to be hereafter decided.
(c) That each club play four games with each of the other two colleges, - two with each on the home ground.
(d) That, in case of the failure to decide questions requiring a unanimous vote, the decision shall be left to an advisory committee, to be made up of graduates, - one from each college.
5th, That, in case of the approval of these recommendations at the mass-meetings already suggested, a subsequent meeting be held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel in New York City, N. Y., February 26, 1887: and that delegates be appointed by the separate college base ball associations to attend said meeting.
JESSE C. DANN,Captain Yale Nine,WALDO W. WILLARD,Captain Harvard Nine,ADRIAN A. LARKIN,Captain Princeton Nine.
Read more in News
President Eliot's Report.