
Report of the Boat Club.

Permit me through your columns to make a brief report of the finances of the Boat Club.

Amount received from all sources to Feb. 1, 1887, $924 59

Amount expended up to Feb. 1, 1887, 532 17


Amount on hand Feb. 1, 1887, $392 42


Uncollected subscriptions, 1,046 41


Making the assets, $1,438 83

'87 has subscribed $593 00

'88 " " 803 00

'89 " " 484 00

'90 " " 58 00

Old bills have come in to the amount of $215.93. These have been paid, and the club is now free of debt.

At least $2000 more is needed to carry the club through this year clear of debt. '90 has not yet been thoroughly canvassed, but many who have been asked have refused to subscribe at all. This is the more strange in view of the fact that the freshmen have given as much as the seniors in former years. Last year '89 paid $753, and '86 the same. It is hoped that all who can subscribe will do so, any sum, however small, being acceptable. The club is now, as I said, free of debt, and it rests wholly with the college to say whether it shall remain so.


F. G. BALCH,Treasurer H. U. B. C.

Feb. 14, 1887.
