
Note and Comment.


The number of candidates for the Varsity crew has been reduced to sixteen, of whom eight are sophomores. There are four vacancies in the crew, and it now looks as though they would all be filled by members of the sophomore eight. In this event there will be five '89 men in the boat.

The pleasant weather of the last few days has enabled the men to row on the harbor, and they have not failed to improve their opportunity. They went out on the harbor in two eights, and were coached by Perry Bolton the well known single sculler,

Stewart, who has been stroking the crew all winter, was obliged to go home a few days ago. and may not return for several weeks. He has been greatly troubled of late with insomnia, caused by overtraining, and his physician advised him to take a complete rest. During his absence the crew will be stroked by Cald well of last year's crew.

All Yale students and especially the boating men are greatly interested in the banquet to be given Robert J. Cook, at the Hotel Brunswick in New York. February 19, by the alumni of the University. Mr. Cook is the father of boating at Yale, and his opinions on the subject are held in the same high esteem as are those of Walter Camp on the foot-ball field.

Since the engagement of Dr. Anderson, the well-known instructor in athletics, to take charge of the men training for the games, the interest in boxing, wrestling, fencing and track sports has been redoubled. The winter games are to be held on March 26 and April 5. - Boston Globe,

