
Mr. Hayes' Visit to Cornell.

Mr. Hayes has come and gone. He surely must feel that he was met by the most cordial expressions which accompany a hearty welcome. Not only students did their utmost to make him welcome, but the faculty generally showed their appreciation of his merits as an instructor. The work that he did here in making the course in elocution what it is will not soon be forgotten. Such an audience as met him at Library Hall, in which the faculty was out in full force, would be a compliment to any artist in the country. The fervent and long continued applause that greeted each selection was such as rarely attend an artistic performances here. His stay was made particularly pleasant by the social courtesies extended him. On the different evenings he was entertained by members of the Merma d Club, by the newly organized club of unmarried professors, instructors and fellows, and by the members of the Psi Upsilon fraternity. From here he went on Saturday to Elmira, Bath and Rome where he was to give readings. He returns to Harvard the first of this week. Whenever Mr. Hayes may see fit to visit Cornell he is sure of a warm greeting from the faculty and students here. - Cornell Sun.
