EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: During the last twenty years, while, in most colleges scientific studies were finding their place, the Lawrence Scientific School has been steadily losing ground. It has been overshadowed by its sister across the street. When the school was founded by the bequest of the Lawrences our college was narrow and saw no propriety in allowing a wide variety of study to the undergraduate. To obtain advance: science it was necessary to look beyond the college; and then it was that the Lawrence school had a wide and useful sphere. That it occupied a front rank among its fellows can be seen by referring to the earlier catalogues where the names of our leading scientists of to-day will be found registered as students. Under the present board and liberal administration of university affairs, as the college advanced the scientific school steadily lost in number of students and hence in influence. The last remaining reason for entering the school was removed when the college course was made elective and the requirement of Greek at entrance abolished. This decrease in attendance at the Lawrence school has been thought by some to mean a discouragement of science teaching at Cambridge, - but the reverse is the case. In view of these altered relations, President Eliot, in his report, recommends its discontinuance as a separate organization, and that the college faculty be interested with the power of recommending students for the degree of S. B. and C. E. The memory of the Lawrences will still be commemorated in the names, of certain professorships, and the work which they inaugurated will continue without the necessity of a separate faculty to guide it. We hope these recommendations of President Eliot will commend themselves to the authorities concerned.
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President Eliot's Report.