
Note and Comment.

The following is an extract from the letter written to Capt. Bob Cook, requesting his presence at the annual Yale alumni dinner in New York: -

"We believe that our victories have been due to your introduction and enforcement of correct principles of rowing, and we wish to impress upon graduates the faithful adherence to those principles. Nor is the success of the 'Cook Stroke' to be measured by victories alone. You have aroused throughout the university a general interest in oarsmanship, the goods results of which are seen in the constantly increasing number of students who resort to this mode of exercise." To which Capt. Cook replies: "It must be true, indeed, that the enforcement of correct principles of rowing has had much to do with bringing about the victories in which Yale's standard has been carried so valiantly to the fore. But, while you so generously insist on giving so much credit to the 'Cook Stroke,' let me remind you that the most scientific principles would have gone for nothing without the skill and brawn, the splendid discipline and the unswerving confidence of the men in the value of these principles."
