EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: If my communication in regard to the library was almost "too childish to notice," why did you use nearly a column of your valuable editorial space in trying to answer it? In justice to myself I may say that I have never had other than the very pleasantest relations with the library authorities, and I do not remember having incurred this year any of the penalties to which I object. The Malden and the Boston Public Libraries inflict fines of only two cents a day, and each has to deal with a much larger and more troublesome class of users than does Gore Hall. You quote me as claiming that the student "should be notified when the time is expiring." Whereabouts in my communication did you find that? The method I suggested involved no more trouble to the librarian than the present method; but by a garbled quotation you wholly misrepresent my idea. I entirely agree with you that if a student forgets to return reserved books, "a privation for a time may help to make him a little more considerate of others." I only suggest that a week is long enough (especially during the examination period) instead of the present month, which is one-seventh of the college year. There is only one more point that I desire to speak of I learned long ago to refrain from mixing sneering personalities with arguments. A student who protests fairly and moderately against certain usage may be "childish" and 'absorbed in self" and have "poor brains," but you ought to refrain from dragging the poor fellow out and disclosing his deficiencies. I looked to you to keep these fralities a secret from the public, who might never have discovered them from my communication. You who have good brains and are manly and absorbed in others ought to be more compassionate. In the grand words of the poet, -
"As you are great be merciful."
A. M. C.[The reason why we give as much space and comment on the writer's "childish complaints" was to deter others from making like ones rashly. We see nothing new in this communication to make us alter our opinions expressed in yesterday's issue. - EDS.]
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