
Fact and Rumor.

A dramatic club has been formed at Exeter.

There are 30 candidates for the Dartmouth nine.

The average price of room rent at Princeton is $60.

The class of '76 of Williams has given a new organ to the college chapel.

Thirty-eight men have applied for membership in the Yale Dramatic Club.


S. Sloan, Jr., '87, has been elected president of the Columbia College Boat Club.

The annual dinner of the class of '86, Boston Latin school, will take place at Young's next Thursday evening.

The director's office in the gymnasium has recently been fitted up with two handsome black walnut desks.

The choir will be assisted at the vesper service this afternoon by the wellknown oratorio tenor, Mr. George J. Parker.

The students of the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania are trying to form an eight-oared crew.

The Tufts Foot-ball Association are in debt $100; each member of the college will be assessed a fixed amount.

The Princeton Glee Club, assisted by the Banjo Club, gave a concert in Philadelphia last week, which was a decided success.

The average attendance at the Princeton gymnasium between the hours of five and six is seventy-five.

The Amherst Freshman nine have challenged the Yale Freshman to play in April; the challenge has been accepted.

The toboggan slide at Williams has been lengthened and improved. It is owned and controlled by a stock company of students.
