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The CRIMSON has just received an invitation to attend a meeting of New England college editors to be held at Young's Hotel on February 22, for the purpose of forming an intercollegiate press association. It seems to us that the formation of such an association would be very useful in bringing the representatives of the different colleges into closer communication with each other. Under present circumstances, it is principally the members of the athletic teams who enjoy the opportunity of meeting representatives of other colleges, although of course such opportunities are comparatively few and far between. Now it seems to us that college men of literary taste would take great pleasure in making the acquaintance of their fellow-editors in other colleges. Why should not an association, organized for social as well as journalistic purposes, be a most successful instrument for bringing together men of similar tastes in friendly intercourse? We see no reason why the proposed intercollegiate press association should not be a great success. We hope that the convention of editors will take due care to form an association which shall be acceptable to all the colleges represented.
