There is very good skating on Fresh Pond.
The freshmen at Bowdoin college are to have a class crew.
There was skating yesterday on Holmes Field.
Magee, '89, has left college temporarily on account of sickness.
The Philharmonic Club of New York is to give a series of concerts at Princeton.
During the last six months over 800 volumes were added to the Bowdoin College library.
An association is being formed at Cornell to promote the classical interests of the college.
The number of books taken from the Princeton library was smaller last year than it has been for some time.
The Yale nine will play its first game this season with the Athletics, on the 2nd of April, in New Haven.
French I. examinations. Akin to Davis, Sever 23. DeLong to Haskell, Sever 24. Hiletman Zinkeisen, Sever 37.
A novel feature of the University of California is the "cottage" system, cottages taking the places of dormitories.
The junior class at Williams has just enjoyed four lectures on "Protection" by Prof. Thompson of the University of Pennsylvania. These lectures were intended to counterbalance the lectures in political economy given by Prof. Perry who is a free trader.
A novel gymnastic feat is to see how low you can place the horizontal bar and walk under it on tip-toe with the head and chest thrown back.
The funeral of those men who died from the effects of History 12 examination yesterday will be held on Jarvis Field Wednesday noon. No flowers.
Six trial heats of 100 yards dash were run on the ice on Holmes yesterday, Dana won his heat, and Rogers the final. Owing to the poorness of the ice the time made was only 10 1-2.
Yesterday afternoon, Barnes, '87, Wright, '88 and Zinkeisen, '89 walked a half mile inside of four minutes. This is the best time that has been made on the gymnasium track this winter.
Mr. J. J. Hayes, instructor of elocution at Harvard goes on Tuesday to Cornell, where he held a professorship last year, to give a course of readings. On Wednesday night he will be given a dinner by the faculty, and on Thursday night the Phi Upsilon members of whom Mr. Hayes is one, will give him a reception in the fine Chapter building.
The lecture on "What a Yale student ought to be," has been published in a neat pamphlet form. The different preparatory schools and state clubs will find this an effective article for distribution. Every man in the university ought to send copies to his friends and make it his business to see that it has the widest possible circulation. - Yale Record.
The annual dinner of the Alumni of the University of the city of New York was given at Delmonico's last Thursday evening. Addresses were made by the chairman, Judge Van Brunt; William Allen Butler, the Rev. Dr. Roderick Terry, the Rev. Dr. John Hall, Chancellor of the University; Prof. Henry M. Baird, Dr. Charles Inslee Pardee A. J. Vanderpool, John E. Parsons, the Rev. Howard Crosby, Prof. R. Ogden Loremus, and Chauncey Depew.
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