EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON: I looked over, I cannot tell with how much satisfaction, the books that have been placed on the new cases in the reading room of the library. I was especially pleased to see the writings of Browning, Rossette, Morris, Swinburne and George Meredith, about which most of us know so very little, put where a student can not help laying his hand upon them.
I was quite surprised, however, to see nothing of Cardinal Newman's on the shelves. Think what we may of his opinions, hardly any one will deny that he is unsurpassed as a stylist. For my part, it seems to me that every man eager to be "modern" in the best sense of the word, should know, at the least, what Newman's opinions are.
Will not the authorities consent to put some volumes of Newman on the shelves, at least Mr. W. S. Lilly's volume of selections.
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