The victorious Tech foot-ball team is one hundred dollars in debt.
C. D. Bliss has been elected captain of the Andover eleven for next year.
There will be an hour examination in German I on Saturday, Dec. 17.
The Yale University Boat Club received last year by subscriptions $6396.
Caldwell, '87, is coaching the candidates for the Yale Varsity crew.
Professor J. W. White furnished the motto which appears on the new guitar club shingles.
The CRIMSON sends one delegate to the Inter-Collegiate Press Association dinner this evening.
An expedition for archaeological and literary research is about to be sent to Babylon, by the University of Penn.
George M. Gray, of the New York Athletic Club, has beaten all former records by putting the shot 43 feet 11 inches.
The Tuftonian complains that since its publishing association has no legal existence, it is unable to collect the money which is due to it.
A professorship of physical culture with an endowment of $50,000, as a memorial of Henry Ward Beecher, is to be established at Amherst.
The eighth ten of the Institute of 1770 from '90 are: Jones, Clark, Cabot, McLeod, Chamberlain, Littell, Denison, Cheney, Fisher, Davenport.
Polo on roller skates is a favorite winter game at Yale, and although now there is no regular college team, as there was in 1884, scrub games are of frequent occurrence.
The committee of the Dartmouth faculty appointed to adjust the election troubles of the senior class, is attempting to effect a compromise between the two divided sections.
The Tuftonian in discussing the difference in tone exhibited by Harvard and Yale says: "We do not mean to imply that Harvard is over-confident, but simply that its students are characterized by a disposition to look at the best side of things."
Mr. Robert F. Clark, the father of the freshman football captain, who recently in conjunction with Mr. H. L. Higginson, entertained the 'varsity football team, gave a dinner last evening to the members of the freshman eleven.
The December meeting of the Harvard Club of Maryland was held at the St. James Hotel, Baltimore, Saturday, Dec. 3. The following officers were elected: President-Dr. C. C. Bombaugh, '50; vice-presidents-C. J. Bell, '77, Prof. A. M. Elliott, '56; secretary-H. Ivah Thomsen, '81; treasurer-J. B. N. Wyatt, '70; directors-Prof. E. G. Daves, '54; Mr. J. C. Keighler, '62; Dr. R. B. Morison, '73.
Cricket will probably receive a boom in this country next spring. Efforts are being made in England to organize a gentlemen's team of cricketers, similar to the eleven which visited this country in 1885, to play matches in Philadelphia, New York and Canada. Correspondence in regard to arrangements for the visit is now in progress. An eleven from the North of England has also arranged to visit this country next summer.
The Eastern Inter-Collegiate Foot-Ball Association held their second meeting of the year last Wednesday in Springfield. Officers were elected for next year and the reports of last year's officers were read. The report of the treasurer was very satisfactory, which showed that the association is free from debt. The constitution and playing rules were discussed, and a number of changes were proposed, but no very radical ones were carried. It was, however, voted that when a referee is chosen who finds that he cannot serve he shall provide a substitute to do away with possibility of having to accept one who is prejudiced in favor of either contestant. A motion to have two referees was lost.
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