

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- I was glad to notice in your issue of Saturday, that you speak of the need of some event in the gymnasium which would "take" on Saturday afternoon.

Now aside from the fact that any contest would be certain to draw a number of men, there seems to be another and stronger reason why something should be done in this way. There are several events in the Mott Haven games which we have small hope of winning this year. With the departure of Clark and Rogers, our hopes in winning the high jump have vanished, to all appearances.

Then again Yale has developed a phenomenal pole-vauter. But in both of these events we have abundant good material, especially in the latter.

The development of this material does not seem to be encouraged, either because the hope of success is poor or because the Mott Haven team is usually half-filled with men who go in "just for the training."

It seems to me that it would be an excellent plan if a series of contests were arranged for Saturday afternoons in running-high and standing jump, and in pole vaulting, cups to be awarded the winners. This would, perhaps, bring out some new men and would develop the existing material for the team which goes into training after Xmas. The plan has been tried at Yale with considerable success, and would at any rate raise the standard of our own athletics.

