
An Interesting Letter.

The following extraordinary effusion has been received by the authorities of the college, and is, to say the least, unique. We publish it for the benefit of students who may wish "hat racks and cornucopios":-

"Pine Ridge Agency D T Dec 2 1887 Professor of Harvard College

Dear Sir

I have one two year old and one five year old Mountain sheep heads with nice horns one very large six year old buck mounted with large horns also Elk deer antelope horns a friend of mine was telling me you was wanting if so please answer and say what you are willing to give me for the same I have also texas steer and buffalo horns nicely polished for ornaments or sets for hat racks and cornicopios which I will sell reasonable and ask no pay until the goods are received and inspected and iff they dont give satisfaction can send them back iff you want anything in my line let me no soo and oblige yours Truely C H Littl"
