

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- On Friday a series of three matches will be opened as follows: Match A, open to all, 10 clay pigeons, 18 yards rise, 5 angles. Match B, handicap, 10 blue rocks, same conditions. Match C, handicap, 1st prize winner barred, 10 bats, same conditions. Each match to run three weeks, best two scores to count.

SYMPHONY CONCERT USHERS are reminded that the next concert comes to-morrow (Thursday) evening. All must report at the theatre promptly at 7.15. The usher's ticket of admission must be shown at the door. Any man who is unable to usher must send a capable substitute, at the same time notifying E. R. Shippen of the change. The position as usher will be forfeited in case these simple requirements are unobserved.
