THE Y. M. C. A. meeting announced for to-night has been given up.
GLOBE THEATRE MEETING.- Ushers will please be on hand at 6.40 Sunday evening. Stage entrance. Please be prompt. COMMITTEE.
G. H. PAPAZIAN will give more time in showing his Turkish articles to-day and to-morrow. He will be in his room, 4 Divinity avenue, in the rear of Divinity Hall, from 10 to 12 a. m. and from 2 to 6 p. m.
TO SATISFY several new subscribers, it is necessary to obtain a few more copies of No. III. of the present volume of the Advocate. Our agents, Amee Brothers, will pay fifteen cents a piece for such copies as may be returned to them.
G. R. PULSIFER, Manager, Advocate.GLOBE THEATRE SUNDAY EVENING SERVICES.- Those men in college who live in Boston or the immediate vicinity, are earnestly requested to take part in the service next Sunday evening, conducted by Mr. Brooks. Nonsinging as well as singing men are requested to occupy seats on the stage. Please enter by stage door, Chauncy street, before 7 o'clock.
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