To those "happy-go-lucky" fellows who room in the college dormitories in and about the yard, whose confidence in human nature is so guileless that they leave the doors of their rooms unlocked, we should like to say a few words of caution. In one of the college dormitories several thefts have lately occurred, resulting in the loss of several overcoats in rooms whose occupants were careless enough to leave their doors unlatched. One of the "goodies" in Weld was unfortunate enough a day or two ago to have some light-fingered wanderer walk off with the bunch of keys. On this account a carpenter has been employed on Yale locks throughout the entry, so that the brilliant chap who imagined that he possessed the means of entering any room at his convenience may be successfully outwitted. Although there is a strict injunction against all tramps and peddlers being allowed inside the college building, nevertheless they will sometimes gain an entrance and generally manage to make the best of their opportunity. So beware.
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