
Fact and Rumor.

Mr. Wendell will meet the men in section 4 of English 12 to day.

There will be an hour examination in Physics B to-day at 10 a. m., in Sever 37.

There will be an hour examination in Latin A to-day, in Sever 14 at 11 o'clock.

The coming season, 1887-88, will be the 25th anniversary of the formation of the foot-ball association of England.

The Boylston Chemical Laboratory is to be thoroughly overhauled and renovated during the recess.


At a meeting of the Conference Francaise, last Monday night, Mr. F. D. Kalopothakes, '88, read a paper on "Les Colonies Francaises."

The candidates for the Princeton 'Varsity nine will go into active training in the gymnasium right after the Christmas recess.

At the meeting of the New England Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity last Monday evening, officers were elected for next year as follows:-

President-Gen. F. A. Walker, Amherst, '60.

Vice-presidents-The Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge, Harvard, '71; the Hon. G. A. Marden, Dartmouth, '61.

Secretary and treasurer-G. L. Kingsley, Yale, '86.

Executive committee-H. Burr Crandall, Williams, '59; Henry Hyde Smith, Bowdoin, '54; E. O. Silver, Brown, '83; S. L. Powers, Dartmouth, '74; M. A. Wood, Syracuse, '75

Ten men are in active training for the Columbia tug-of-war team.

Amherst gives annually nineteen thousand dollars in prizes and the income of one hundred and eighty thousand dollars in scholarships.

At the Washington and Lee University, Virginia, a medal valued at sixty dollars is conferred yearly by the faculty upon that student who shall have written the best essay published in their college Lit. during the session.
