PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the club at 7.30, this (Tuesday) evening, at 41 Weld.
BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB.- Meeting tonight at 7 p. m. in 8 Boylston Hall. Paper by Mr. H. A. Pulsford.
LOST.- In the yard on last Saturday, a pair of tan-colored gloves. The finder will greatly oblive the owner by returning them to 32 College House.
FOR SALE. Two good seats, centre of house, for Booth and Barrett, Friday night. Inquire at Leavitt and Peirce's.
FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Last rehearsal before the Christmas recess tonight at 7. New music.
J. M. HOWELLS, Secretary.LOST.- A horn-handled pen-knife having three blades, made by Wostenholm and Son. Finder will confer a favor by leaving the knife at 8 Hollis.
GLOBE THEATRE MEETINGS.- All who are willing to distribute tickets during this week or on Sunday, Dec. 25th, are asked to come to 39 Thayer Hall between 1.30 and 2.30 today. So few men are able to take part in the distribution this week than any who can are earnestly requested to help.
GLOBE THEATRE MEETINGS.- The committee wish to raise as much as possible of the remaining $400 during the present week. There is a box for subscriptions at Leavitt and Peirce's, as well as at the Co-operative. If the men who intend to give money some time or other will do it now they will confer a double favor.
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