The article on athletics from the Hartford Courant, which we publish to-day, is worthy of perusal. It is a concise summing up of college sports and the position which they hold in the mind of the public. Secluded from the world as much as college men are, these considerations from the outside are always interesting and serve to awaken us from our lethargy as well as to create an interest in college affairs among those who have no personal concern in them.
That it is better for Harvard and Yale to confine their contests to each other is open to doubt. It would tend to increase the size of the two institutions and would act unfavorably upon athletic interests elsewhere. However, it seems to be the tendency. For some years the contest in base-ball has narrowed down to our New Haven rivals and ourselves, and the outcome of this season's foot-ball play has placed Princeton further in the background. Yale, we believe, looks upon this as a point gained, and likes to consider Harvard as her only suitable rival. However that may be, it will be interesting to watch the further developments of this question, which rapidly is becoming the principal one in college sports.
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