H. P. C.- Theatrical 2 this evening at 8.30 at rooms on Holmes Field.
GUITAR CLUB.- There will be a rehearsal Monday at 1.30 in 2 Read's.
T. S. BEECHER, Secretary.FOR SALE.- Two good seats, centre of house, for Booth and Barret, Friday night. Inquire at Leavitt and Peirce's.
TAKEN from Memorial, near door, a new black hat of London make. Whoever took it may get his own by returning same to Farnum, 2 Matthews.
FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- There will be a rehearsal in Holyoke 9 at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
C. S. HOPKINSON, Secretary.CONFERENCE FRANCAISE.- Meeting of the society this evening at 7.30 in upper Dane Hall.
S. A. BAYER, Secretary.THE following will please be at Pach's studio at 1.45 sharp to-day: Bass, Burnett, Higgins, Horn, Weld, Blanchard, Post, Cumnock, Goldthwaite, Finlay, Nichols, Crane, Bangs.
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General Registration After the Christmas Recess.