

THE Institute of 1770 will meet at their rooms this evening at 7.30.

W. H. DAME, Sec.BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB,-Meeting tonight at 7 p. m. in 8 Boylston Hall. Paper by Mr. F. Warren Smith.

HARVARD Y. M. C. A. (Society of Christian Brethren) will hold a meeting in Lawrence Hall tonight at 6.30. All students are invited.

HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.-The club will hold its regular shoot this (Thursday) afternoon at Watertown. Car leaves at 1.30.

D. C. HOLDER, JR., Secretary.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.-There will be a rehearsal with Mr. Locke in Lawrence Hall at 8 o'clock this evening. It is important that all should be present.


C. S. HOPKINSON, Sec.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.-There will be a rehearsal with Mr. Locke in Roberts Hall at 12 o'clock today. It is very important that every member should be present. Bring all copies of the Apollo collection of glees.

A. D. HODGES, Secretary.AT the meeting of the Zoological Club this evening, Mr. C. W. Wood-worth will read a paper on "The connection of the Ovary with the Oviduct in Insects." The east door of the new part of the museum will be open from 7.15 to 7.30 p. m.

GLOBE THEATRE SERVICES.-The committee on music wish to express their appreciation of the prompt and willing response to the request for assistance. A short rehearsal of the chorus will be held this afternoon in Appleton Chapel at 5.30, immediately after the vesper service. It is hoped that as many men as possible who sing will be present at this rehearsal.

THE Executive Committee of the Harvard Union submit the three following questions:-

1. Resolved, that the telegraph systems of the United States should be owned and operated by the Government.

2. Resolved, that the general policy outlined in President Cleveland's message should be adopted by Congress.

3. Resolved, that the tax on tobacco should be abolished.

H. PAGE, Chairman.
