
Fact and Rumor.

The new catalogue will be out to-day.

We regret to say that Prof. Asa Gray's illness still continues to be very serious.

Grand Master Workman Powderly, of the Knights of Labor, is very seriously ill.

A sophomore theme entitled "The Dynamiter" is posted on the University bulletin board. The writer is unknown.

The Boston Herald states that tug-of-war contests are falling into disfavor in the best-regulated gymnasiums on account of their dangerous results.


The sale of tickets for the Glee Club and Pierian concert tomorrow evening has been very great. Only twelve unsold tickets were returned by members to Sever's yesterday at noon.

On Tuesday night, Col. Livermore gave a very interesting informal talk before the Finance Club, on the effects of the tariff on the cotton manufacturing industry. Col. Livermore was, for many years, the superintendent of the Amoskeag cotton mills at Manchester. He was a most successful manager and knew the business of cotton manufacturing to its smallest detail. He was therefore well fitted to talk of the effect that an increase or reduction of the tariff would have on that industry.

The N. H. 4 examination next week, Wednesday, will be held in Sever 35 and 37.

The distance between the arches of the new bridge over the Charles river will be 105 feet, and at high water there will be at least 11 feet between the water and the bridge.

By a decision of the court, Cornell has just lost the bequest of $1,500,000 which the wife of Prof. Fiske made. This decision is based on the fact that the law prohibits Cornell from holding an endowment of more than $3,000,000.

A solid silver hatchet head weighing a hundred ounces, which was recently found in Sonora, has been purchased by an alumnus of Princeton and will be presented by him to the museum of the college.

Harvard is the college best represented in the 50th congress. Counting law school graduates, she has fourteen men; Yale, 9; Michigan University, 9; Amherst, 2; Bowdoin, 2; Brown, 2; Dartmouth, 1.

The Freshman Glee Club is as yet in an informal state, the regular members have not been finally chosen. When organized, the club will number about 22 men. The first concert will be given in February.

The marking system at Columbia has been abolished, and now a student is simply rated as proficient or deficient. The number of allowed absences has been reduced from one-fourth to onefifthy of the whole number of recitations.

L. E. Myers secured his first victory in a handicap race since his arrival in Australia at Sydney, on Oct. 29. He won the first heat by four yards, and in the final he defeated Cassimer quite easily by half a dozen yards, his time for the distance, a quarter of a mile, being 49 secs.
