

LOST.-Yesterday, a Mark Twain notebook containing notes in N. H. 4 and Greek B. Please return to 6 C. H.

'90 CREW and substitutes please meet at 6 Read's Block to day at 2 o'clock.

J. P. HUTCHINSON, Capt.PIERIAN SODALITY.-Rehearsal this evening at 7 o'clock in Roberts Hall.

T. T. SEELYE, Secretary.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.-Rehearsal in Holyoke 3 at 4.30 p. m. Everyone must be present who expects to play in the concert Wednesday night.

J. M. HOWELLS, Secretary.PIERIAN SODALITY.-Every member should bear in mind that in order to play in the concert, attendance at the rehearsal to night is required.


T. T. SEELYE, Sec.FOUND.- Saturday evening, about 10.30, in a Bowdoin Square car returning from Boston, a maroon satin dress shirt front. The owner may have it by calling at No. 38 Holyoke House.

FINANCE CLUB.-At a meeting in U. 13 to night at 7.30 p. m., Colonel T. L. Livermore will speak on "Cotton Manufactures and Duties on Cotton Goods."

R. T. PAINE, Jr., Sec.PIERIAN, GLEE CLUB AND BANJO CLUB.-All members who have in their possession unsold tickets for the concert in Sanders Theatre must return such tickets to Sever's before 12 o'clock a. m., Wednesday. All tickets not returned will be charged against the member who originally procured them. No unsold tickets will be received at Sever's after 12 a. m. Wednesday.


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