
Fact and Rumor.

The Boston city election occurs today.

The seats for the Friday evening concert in Sanders Theatre are being disposed of at a very rapid rate.

It is particularly requested that all manuscript sent to the CRIMSON for publication be written on one side only of the paper.

Each of the members of the Harvard Finance Club received last week a pamphlet on "Over-production," by Urice H. Crocker, of Boston.

Sophomore Theme No. III will be returned to day from 2 to 3.30 o'clock as follows: A-M in Sever 11, the rest in Sever 1.


The following men were elected members of the Conference Francaise at a recent meeting: A. B. Marks, '88; H. F. Meserve, '88; V. M. Harding, '89; R. D. Brown, '90.

In the absence of the college choir on Sunday evening, the music in Appleton Chapel was given by an outside choir, under the direction of W. R. Spalding, the '87 class chorister.

Hour examination in English A today at nine o'clock:-Alger-Estes, in Sever 37; O. Everett-Liscomb, in U. E. R.; Longstreth-G. Morton, in Sever 17; J. M. Morton-Sutro, in Mass. 3; Swan-A. H. Williams, in Sever 5; E. P. Williams-Wynne, in Mass. 3.

Mr. G. H. Papajian, of Constantinople, has a number of handsome Turkish articles which he is desirous of selling to members of the University who may be in search of Christmas presents. A visit to his rooms at 4 Divinity Ave., would amply repay any one.

"Next Friday evening the Harvard Glee Club will give a concert in Memorial Hall, Cambridge, assisted by Baldwin's Band. A hope will follow the concert." The above collection of curious misstatements is taken from the Boston Saturday Evening Gazette.

The Christmas number of the Cambridge Tribune will be issued this week. It is to be published in magazine form and will be well illustrated. Dr. A. P. Peabody figures among the contributors to its columns, and it will also contain a story in which a Harvard man and an Annex maid are the interested parties.
