The New England Inter Collegiate Press Association met in convention at Young's Hotel, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. There were delegates present from some fifteen papers and the meeting showed a spirit of good feeling and earnestness. The convention elected officers as follows: President, Samuel Abbott, of Harvard; vice-presidents. L. F. English, of the Dartmouth, J. C. Edgerly, of the Tuftonian, William Barnes, Jr., of the CRIMSON; recording secretary, E. J. Small, of the Bates Student; corresponding secretary, C. S. Severance; executive committee, G. H. Hero, of the Tuftonian, J. G. King, of the CRIMSON, J. H. Towne, of the Tech, A. W. Hobson, of the Beacon and R E. Chancellor, of the Amherst Student. The convention was in session over an hour and the discussion was mainly upon the establishing of a manly feeling of competition between the colleges of New England. It was voted to hold the next convention on the 22d of February, 1889, and annually upon that date hereafter. At the close of the session the delegates were regaled by a banquet at which a number of witty speeches were made.
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