HARVARD Y. M. C. A. will meet in Lawrence Hall to night at 6.30. All students are invited.
PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal this evening at 7 o'clock in Roberts Hall.
T. T. SEELYE, Secretary.SOPHOMORE THEATRICALS.- Principals at 4.30. All those who intend to try for chorus, at 7.30.
R. F. PARKER.LOST.- A notebook in Philosophy 4 on Tuesday, Nov. 22. Finder will greatly oblige by returning it to C. M. Cabot, 896 Main Street.
HARVARD SHOOTING CLUB.- The club will hold its regular shoot this (Thursday) afternoon at Watertown. Car leaves at 1.30.
D. C. HOLDER, JR., Secretary.Following men meet on Jarvis Field at 3 p. m., sharp: Crosby, Weld, Bangs, Amory, Blanchard, Higgins, Finlay, Horn, Goldthwaite, Bass, Crane, Burnett, Dean, Fitzhugh.
SENIOR DINNER.- The book will be removed to day at two o'clock. There are now over ninety signatures. Can we make it one hundred? A few have signed and not paid. Please pay and save confusion at the dinner.
COMMITTEE.BICYCLE CLUB.- There will be a "smoker" this evening at 20 Prescott Street,; a large attendance is hoped for. The hare and hounds run will take place at 3 this afternoon if the roads are in good condition-not otherwise. Start from University.
R. S. BALDWIN.THOSE who were obliged to cut recitations to play on the out-or-town games of the freshmen eleven will please send a list of their cuts to the manager. Also, if only one has any accounts to settle with the eleven, they will greatly oblige the manager by sending a written memorandum of the same.
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