

FOUND.- Some days ago a note-book in the cellar of Weld. Can be obtained of the janitor.

GUITAR AND MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal Tuesday night at 7.30 in 12 Thayer.

H. A. A.- There will be a meeting of the executive committee at 47 Matthews to-day at 1.30.

EDWARD STURGIS, Secretary.H. A. A.- The hare and hound run this week will be on Wednesday, Nov. 9, at 3.30 p. m. Entries must be made at Bartletts before the start.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal to-night (Tuesday) at 7 o'clock. All who expect to play in the Boston concert must be present.


F. H. WHIPPLE.BICYCLE CLUB.- If pleasant this afternoon a run will be taken to Jamaica Pond. Start from University at 3 p. m.

R. S. BALDWIN.BOYLSTON CHEMICAL CLUB.- Meeting in 8 Boylston Hall at 7 p. m. Papers by Dr. G. M. Holman and W. L. Jennings.

C. F. KAHNWEILER, Sec.LOST.- Carlyle's French Revolution, Volume I., probably in Holly Tree. Finder will confer a favor by returning to J. Loeb, 20 Prescott street.

CANDIDATES for the freshmen eleven meet to-day in the gymnasium at three o'clock sharp, with gymnasium slippers.

