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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- In yesterday's issue of the CRIMSON appeared a communication from "Graduate," in which he complains of the management of the 'Varsity eleven. Now, it seems to me that "Graduate" must either have been some time out of college, or has not come out to Cambridge at all this fall, else he could not have failed to notice that the management of the foot-ball team has been better this year than it has for a long time. With all due respect to the mature years-and perhaps gray hair-of our sapient friend, I cannot help thinking that he does not know what he is talking about. He says that the players have been "constantly changed about during the past fortnight," and that, when he was asked "who were going to play against Princeton on Saturday," he had to guess, and "probably guessed wrong." Now, the first assertion is a direct misstatement of the real facts of the case, as any one knows who has been out on Jarvis during the last two weeks. And his second assertion we could all have taken for granted without his mentioning it. It is all very well to keep the captain of the 'Varsity team up to his work, but the captain of the 'Varsity team knows his duty, and has shown every intention of performing it, even without the valuable assistance of our "great and wise judge."

