
Exeter, 18; Harvard, '91, 6.

The foot-ball game between the Harvard freshmen and Exeter, which was played at Exeter on Saturday, resulted in a victory for the latter.

The game began at 3.30 with the ball in Exeter's possession. Exeter started in with great snap and in three or four quick rushes placed the ball behind the goal line of the surprised freshmen. McClung kicked a goal. Score, 6-0. '91 began to wake up at this point and played a strong game. Rushes were made on both sides, but no other point was scored during the first half. At the beginning of the second half, '91 forced the ball close to Exeter's goal where they tried for a goal from the field but failed. Exeter kicked the ball well down the field-a fumble by the Harvard full-back, allowing Exeter to make a touchdown from which a goal was kicked. Harvard rushed the ball well into Exeter's territory. Crane tried for a goal from the field but failed. Exeter made some fine rushes and soon secured another touchdown and a goal.

'91 now went to work in real earnest; in a short time hard rushing on the part of the freshmen enabled Crane to score a touchdown, from which Fitzhugh kicked a goal. After a few minutes of stubborn play on both sides, time was called. Score, 18-6 in favor of Exeter.

The freshman did not play with snap enough at times, though as a whole they played a strong game. They were, however, weak in tackling. Exeter played a sharp game throughout; their tackling was good and the fine rushing of Harding and McClung deserve especial notice.

The freshmen were handicapped by the absence of Cumnock, who is playing on the 'Varsity eleven.


Mr. Higginson, '90, was referee and Mr. Fillmore acted as umpire.
