

ALL PAST MEMBERS of the Philosophical Club who are resident at the University and were not here last year will please send their names to the secretary, 32 Hilton Block.

WILLIAM BARNES, JR.H. U. F. B. A.- Several middle sections will be reserved in each championship game for holders of season tickets. Subscribers who have not yet paid their subscriptions are requested to do so at Leavitt and Peirce's.

B. W. PALMER.H. U. F. B. A.- The following men will please be on Jarvis at 1.50 sharp to usher: Messrs. Burr, Davis, Gray, Keyes. Mackay, L. H. Morgan, Prescott, Saltonstall, Woodbury, Dexter, Hutchinson, Mumford, Slocum.

B. W. PALMER, MANAGER.THE following men must get their lunch early and meet at Leavitt and Peirce's at 11.45 sharp: Crosby, Goldthwaite, Bangs, Horn, Valentine, Fitzhugh, Weld, Williams, Higgins, Blanchard, Burnett, Amory, Bass, Crane, Winthrop.

R. H. POST.THE Photographic Committee have selected Pach as the class photographer for '88. The prices will be the same as last year. By the terms of the contract, all photographs must be taken before March 1st. Mr. Tupper is ready to begin work at once, and seniors will confer a great favor both to the photographers and to the committee if they will make a point of having their pictures taken without delay.


W. D. BANCROFT, Committee.RUPERT NORTON, Committee.J. W. AUSTIN, Committee.
