There will be no lecture in Political Economy 7 to-day.
Brinley, the tennis player, plays in the Trinity rush line.
Woods' foot is healing slowly, but he will not be able to play for a week.
Brown has won the championship singles in the Tufts College tournament.
The Princeton eleven has been much strengthened the past week by the addition of the Hodge brothers and the recovery of Captain Wagenhurst.
The following have been elected members of the Harvard Philosophical Club: A. H. Lloyd, '86; W. F. Brush, '88; T. E. Homans, '88.
Mr. Arthur Gilman and Mr. Horace E. Scudder have been elected honorary members of the Harvard Historical Society.
The first annual report of the Commission of Colleges in New England on admission examinations has just been issued.
There is little going on the gymnasium thus far. Only a few men, and most of them freshmen, are to be seen on the floor every afternoon.
The annual meeting of the Lacrosse Association was held last night in Holden, Mr. L. McK. Garrison in the chair. The reports of the secretary and manager were read and accepted. The following officers were elected, and the meeting then adjourned: L. McK, Garrison, '88, president; H. Page, '8, vice-president; E. S. Griffing, '89, secretary; C. H. Taylor, '90, manager.
No notices will be received for the CRIMSON after 9 p. m. each day. Any notice received after that hour will not be inserted. Notices must be deposited in the box at Leavitt and Peirce's.
The senior class dinner will be the week after Thanksgiving, so that all may come, forensics and training being over. The exact date and place will be announced shortly.
The Princetonian copies the following from the New York World: "Few men spend more than $4,000 during a term at Harvard, and, as a rule, expenses are lighter than at any other college."
The following were elected members of the Finance Club last evening: A. C. Miller, Gr.; J. H. Hill, Gr.; E. Sandheim, Gr.; B. Shirasu, Sp.; D. Coulson, Sp.; M. H. Clyde, '88; B. W. Palmer, '88; J, Loeb, '88; C. B. Rogers, '88; S. S. Hall, '88; M. E. Kelley, '88.
There are now about twenty-five men training for the freshman crew. As soon as the foot-ball season is over, most of the men on the eleven will be candidates for the crew. The men have not begun rowing as yet, but go through the exercises on the chest-weights daily, after which they take a five-mile walk, the last mile and a half of which is done on the run. The candidates are very light and there is great need of more and heavier men to come out and try.
Read more in News
Chess Tournament.