

LOST.- A Wirt fountain pen. Finner will confer a favor by notifying J. A. Hill, 10 Oxford street.

HARVARD CLASSICAL CLUB.- The club will meet at Professor Preble's room, 7 Matthews, on Wednesday, Nov. 30, at 8 p. m.

C. H. GOODWIN, Secretary.BICYCLE CLUB.- If the weather is pleasant and the roads are practicable there will be a hare and hounds run Thursday afternoon. Start from University at 3 p. m.

R. S. BALDWIN.THOSE who were obliged to cut recitations to play on the out-of-town games of the freshmen eleven will please send a list of their cuts to the manager. Also, if any one has any accounts to settle with the eleven, they will greatly oblige the manager by sending a written memorandum of the same.

'90 ELEVEN.- All candidates for the '90 eleven will be on Jarvis Field at 4 o'clock sharp to day. If the team is to make a good showing, it is absolutely necessary that every man should turn out whether he knows anything about football or not.


T. W. SLOCUM, Captain.
