The November Magazine of American History is one of the brightest and most richly illustrated issues of the year. Oliver Cromwell's portralt appears as its frontispiece, incident to the romantic story of the first settlement of Shelter Island, in 1652, told by Mrs Lamb in her happiest vein, entitled the "Historic Home of the Sylvesters." The paper is informing on a multitude of hitherto obscure points in early American history, and is delightfully diversified with incidents. Rev. Philip Schaff, D. D., contributes a second paper on the "Relation of Church and State in America." A very pleasantly written sketch is by Walstein Root, on the "Hamilton Oneida Academy in 1794," the germ of Hamilton College. The fourth article in this superb number is a study by Charles H. Peck of the public life and character of "Aaron Burr," in which he aims to substitute natural explanations for the acts and misfortunes of his extraordinary subject. Then follows, from G. Brown Goode, of the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, "An Interesting Dialogue in 1676, between Bacon, 'the rebel,' and John Goode of Whitby." Judge J. Tarbell, of Washington contributes "Horace Greeley's Practical Advice to the Reconstructionists in Mississippi;" and T. J. Chapman, A. M., writes an interesting paper on the "Religious Movement in 1800." The shorter articles are varied and entertaining. The number concludes with its carefully edited departments of Original Documents, minor topics, notes, queries, replies, socleties, etc., well filled, its "Historic and Social Jottings" illustrated, and a dozen or more ably written book reviews.
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