
Fact and Rumor.

The English B. lecture this afternoon at 2, will be on the art of narrative.

Holden starts on Wednesday for the South, where he will spend the winter.

The first vesper service will be held in Appleton Chapel on Thursday, this week, at 5 p. m.

Thursday, Dec. 1, is the last day for making application for aid from the loan fund.

Most of the freshman eleven will soon go into training for a position their class crew.


Last evening the freshmen celebrated their victory of the Yale freshmen by a good display of fireworks and loud cheering for every class and team in college.

It has seldom been our misfortune to meet a "fresher" crowd of men than the Harvard freshmen, they must have been freshmen, who occupied the coach at Exeter.- Philippians.

The reason of the failure of John, the Orangemen, as a mascot, is due doubtless to the fact that John spent a good deal of his time during the game inside of the coach instead of outside.

An incident at the Yale game, which was amusing as well as indicative of sand, was the presence of two girls arrayed in crimson and cheering for Harvard, on the top of a distinctively Yale coach.

The harness and repair shops at Harvard square, belonging to the Cambridge Railroad have been abolished, as well as the duties of inspectors on the different lines. About fifty men will be thrown out of employment. This has been effected per order of the West End Company.

It would be advisable for the New Haven correspondent of the Boston Globe to be present hereafter at the games which it is his duty to criticize. The mistakes in his letter published last Sunday are laughable, and prove that his knowledge of football is limited.

The following facts are given on the authority of the New York Sun:-

"To Captain Beecher, Yale FootBall Club: Macie virtue! Bully for you! We ploughed the ground with 'em. Faculty and corporation tickled to death, and predict '92 will be the largest class ever entered. Put on my blue dressing gown, blue trousers, blue flannel shirt, and rang bell till peelers interfered. What a glorious day for Yale! Shall preach on "The Ennobling Effects of College Athletics' next Sunday. Hope the boys are sober to-night."- Timothy Dwight.

"Those Yale fellows always were a lot of kickers."- Charles William Eliot.
