The men's furnishings and the book room will be open evenings from seven till half past eight till further notice.
In the book room:
"Scribner" for December, 20 cents.
Songs of Harvard, 75 cents.
Ben Johnson's "Plays and Poems"; Butler's "Analogy and Sermons," and Bernard's "Morceaux Choisis."
The London pocket editions of Dickens and Thackeray are also ready. Price 38 cents per vol.; 5 vols. or more at 35 cents.
Bain's "Emotions and the Will," and Hume's "Essays."
Just published, "The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin," in 2 vols. This work is offered at a special price, because it is expected that an unusually large number of copies will be called for.
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Remarks on Modern Journalism.