
Special Notices.

Notice, if not more than five lines, inserted in this column for 50 cents each insertion, or $2.00 a week. For over five lines, the rates are doubled. Short "Lost" and "Found" notices, if inserted once, free; every additional insertion 50 cents. All

TUTORING in History I. W. J. BOWEN, 32 Hollis or at the law school. n26 2t

TUTORING in Philosophy 2 for the hour examination.

n26 1t R. H. ARMS, 2 Holmes Pl

COMPLIMENTS OF JAMES W. BRINE.-Just received, 100 Laundry Bags, which the laundry boy will deliver to anyone wishing to leave their laundry at JAMES W. BRINE'S, 10 and 11 Harvard Row. Leave notice and the boy will call. n23

WANTED.- A few reliable and energetic men to take orders for strictly first-class nursery stock, on salary or commission. Write for terms at once to EDW. O. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Rochester, N. Y. n22 6t


RAH! RAH! RAH!- Crimson flags at J. W. BRINE'S, 50c., 75c., $1.00. n22

WE WISH to inform all students of Harvard that we have special rates for them, and suggest an early sitting if pictures for Xmas are desired. Last year we were obliged to turn people away, but having enlarged the studio, and with increased facilities, we guarantee to all who favor us as good, if not better, work than can be obtained elsewhere.- PACH'S STUDIO, H. Wm. Tupper, Manager and Photographer. n18 tf

SPECIAL department for cleaning, pressing and dying clothes. J. B. Brine, 8 Boylston street. n18 tf

SPECIAL TO STUDENTS.- We have today received a new line of English Suiting, Ulster and Overcoat goods. Suits to order, $25 to $45. Pants to order, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10. Suits to order; fit guaranteed. 8 Boylston street. J. B. Brine, Cambridge. n18 tf

A CLUB is desired at the McKay House, 24 Arrow street. n16 6t

SPRARING LESSONS.- E. J. Ferris, the well known instructor in sparring, has opened private rooms at No. 7 Brattle street, where he will be pleased to receive pupils. tl d5

WEATHER STRIPS, Outside Windows, to keep out the wind and cold are now being put on by Powers, 30 Boylston street, Read's Building

AT MR. J. F. NOERA'S, 436 Harvard street, will be found all kinds of athletic, gymnasium, football and tennis goods. 020

J. W. BRINE. 10 and 11 Harvard Row, respectfully calls your attention to his well-selected stock of Dress Shirts and Scotch Cambric Dress Ties. A large line of English Cheviots. Particular attention is given to special orders. n17

STUDENTS will find at J. F. Noera's, 436 Harvard street, a full line of English Helmets and the new Eaton Cap.
