
Prof. Laughlin's New Book.

As most of our readers probably know, Prof. Laughing has recently published a new book on Political Economy in Appleton's Science Text-Books Series. The author has divided his work into two parts, the first treating of political economy proper; the second applying the principles of the science to the various questions of the day. We have long felt that some such book was needed. Neither Faucet nor Walker possesses the elements of a good textbook. Except to the most devoted, Mill becomes tedious through his many details, besides being antiquated in several points. For the students of Political Economy I, therefore, Prof. Laughlin's books will be a great aid. They will find there, stated in clear and forcible language, Mr. Mill's conclusions and the reasoning upon which they are based, together with the various modifications found necessary in recent years. These principles will be fixed in their minds by a careful study of the practical portion, Part II, and furthermore, they will gain a knowledge of business and of public questions that every man should have. To those who do not take Political Economy but who wish to have some knowledge of it we would say that nowhere else can any find the essential principles so well stated or condensed into so small a compass.
