There will be no "Debate" at the Divinity School this afternoon.
Sears is in fair condition once again and played in yesterday's practice in his usual form.
The university of Vermont has 36 professors, 347 students and a library of about 30,000 volumes.
Woodruff, who was injured in the Princeton game, is rapidly improving, and now walks without a cane.
The "Preaching Service" announced in last Saturday's calendar for Friday, this week, will be omitted.
The marble roof of Girard College has been found to be decomposing and will soon be replaced by one of tin.
Graves, '91, who played halfback on the Yale eleven last Saturday, has been forbidden by his father to play in the Harvard game.
The "Varsity" barge will leave Leavitt's at nine o'clock this morning. A large crowd ought to be present to cheer the eleven off.
In yesterday's morning's New York World appeared an article stating that a large crowd of Princeton men would be present at Thursday's game to cheer for Yale. Part of the article is a purported interview with a member of the Princeton team and ends as follows: "Yale, as we expected she would, beat us fairly and squarely. I don't think Harvard did."
Dr. Schliemann, the great archaeologist has signified his intention of bequeathing at his death his valuable collection at Athens to the Ethnological Museum at Berlin.
The celebration on Monday evening by the Tech students in honor of their victorious football team was a success. The principal feature was a torchlight procession.
Yesterday afternoon the freshman eleven defeated a picked '90 eleven by a score of 10 to 6. Only twenty minutes were played but the freshmen played with a good deal of vim and system.
A new periodical has peen started at the Institute of Technology called "The Technology Architectural Review." It will at first confine itself to publishing the first-mention designs made in the Department of Architecture, adding such text as seems advisable in explanation of the plates. Henry D. Bates, '88, has been chosen as managing editor.
The sixth hare and hound run of the season was held yesterday afternoon, the course being up Concord avenue to Fresh Pond and around the pond. The break was from the west end of Mt. Auburn. Kuhn and Alexander, L. S., the hares, came in twenty-nine minutes ahead of F. B. Dana, '88, the first hound in. Davenport, '90, was a few seconds behind Dana. The rest of the twenty hounds came in well bunched close after the leader. Dana, '88, served as master of the hounds. The run was one of the best of the season.
The following is a list of the attractions at the New York theatres: Casino- "The Marquis;" Union Square- Robson and Crane in "The Henrietta;" Standard- "Dorothy;" Bijou Opera House- Rice's "Corsair;" Academy of Music- "A Dark Secret;" Lyceum,- "The Wife;" Metropolitan Opera House- Thursday, Nov. 24, Gerster Concert, Friday, November 25; "The Prophet;" Saturday matinee, "Trumpeter of Sacking;" Fifth Avenue- "The Begun;" Harrigan's "Pete;" Star- "Faust;" 14th Street- Denman Thomson in the "Old Homestead;" Niblo's- Joseph Jefferson in "Rip Van Winkle;" Poole's- "The Ticket-of-Leave Man;" Wallack's- Thursday evening, "School;" Friday evening, "Caste;" Daly's- "Railroad of Love;" Madison Square- "The Martyr;" Grand Opera House- "A Parlor Match."
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