

LOST.- A black lead pencil with gold tips. The finder will confer a favor by leaving it with Leavitt and Peirce.

H. U. F. B. A.- The following men will please be at the training table today for lunch: Alexander, Carpenter, Churchill and Perry.

J. W. WOOD.OVERCOAT LOST.- Will the person who found or borrowed a brown overcoat about four weeks ago please return it to 59 Matthews.

H. A. A.- There will be a hare and hound run this afternoon at 3.30. Please remember that entries should be made at Bartletts before the start.

CHESS TOURNAMENT.- All entries must be made before 6 o'clock this evening, as the book will be taken away then from Bartlett's.


GUITAR CLUB.- There will be no rehearsal this week, but an important meeting will be held Monday next at 7.30 in 2 Read's.

T. S. BEECHER, Sec.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal this evening at 7 o'clock in Robert's Hall. As this is the only rehearsal this week, it is important that every member be present.

T. T. SEELYE.'90 ELEVEN.- Will the following men please be on Jarvis at 3 o'clock sharp today to play against the freshmen: Magoun, Crehore, Faulkner, Dexter, Hutchinson, Higginson, Tilton, Crane, Hunnewell, Curtis, Slade, McCoy.

T. W. SLOCUM, Captain.H. U. F. B. A.- Boat tickets now on sale at Leavitt and Peirce's. State rooms also for sale. All who desire to take advantage of the reduced rates must get their tickets before one o'clock today, as no reduced rates can be had anywhere after that hour. Price $1.80; stateroom holding two, $1.00. Supper tickets for sale on the boat.

All who intend to come back Thursday night will please be at No. 1 Weld at 1.45 p. m. today. If all do not come, no arrangements can be made for return reduced rates.

More reserved seat tickets will probably arrive today, and may be had at 1 Weld from 7 to 8 p. m.

Office hours at 1 Weld, 9.30 to 10.30 a. m., and 7.15 to 8 p. m. Gentlemen with questions will please think before they ask.

