As none of the Boston papers have printed a detailed account of the Yale-Pennsylvania football game, it is thought that a short description of it might be of interest to our readers, as it give a very fair idea of the strength of the Yale team.
The first championship game took place at Philadelphia on Saturday between Yale and the University of Pennsylvania. The teams were as follows: Yale-Rushers, Wallace, Gill, Corbin, Woodruff, Cross and Pratt; quarter-back, Beecher; half-backs, Williams and Morrison; full-back, Foster, Pennsylvania-Rushers, Miel, Zeigler, Dewey, AShmont, Bowser, Spaeth, Ross; quarter-back, McCance; half-backs, Hulme and Colladay; full-back, F. Graham. Yale won the toss and took the ball, which was forced quickly toward Pennsylvania's goal, and after a few short rushes, Corbin carried it over the line. Time 5 minutes. The ball was placed in the centre of the field, but Pennsylvania soon lost it, and after long rushes by Morrison, Woodruff and Wallance, Beecher made the second touchdown, from which a goal was kicked. Time 20 minutes. After again carrying the ball to the centre of the field, Yale got it and advanced it by good rushes, until Morrison made the third touchdown. Time 36 minutes. The try at goal was unsuccessful. Pennsylvania tried to rush the ball from the 25 yard line. It was fumbled on the line and a fourth touchdown was made for Yale, Wallace dropping on the ball. No goal. The first half ended with the score, 20-0, in favor of Yale.
Second half.- After some running and kicking by the Pennsylvania half-back, the ball was brought to Yale's 30-yard line. Then Yale forced the ball back to Pennsylvania's 25-yard line. Morrison here tried for a goal from the field but missed. The ball was then brought out and after much careless play and good rushes by Morrison and Wallace, the latter finally made a touchdown. Goal. Score, 28-0. Pennsylvania just before this had been forced to make a safety. In a few minutes, Gill made a touchdown, from which Beecher kicked a goal. Soon Gill made another touchdown. Goal. Two touchdowns, by Beecher and Wallace just before time was called, made the score, 50-0.
In criticising the Yale team, the Yale News says: "The game was unsatisfactory to all Yale partisans. Great improvement must take place before any kind of a showing can be made against Harvard or Princeton. The great weakness of the team is in blocking and making holes in the rush line. There was bad fumbling and the ball was lost at important items. All the men back of the rush line played poorly. The whole play of the team is lifeless and slow."
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Registration at Princeton after Football Games.