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EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON:- I should like to repeat and emphasize the suggestion made last year by one of your correspondents, that it would be a very good thing if the laboratories in Boylston Hall were kept open until five o'clock on Saturdays, as on other days, instead of being closed at one. It often happens that a man is obliged, by illness or other causes, to cut his laboratory work for a few days. He thus gets behindhand in his work, yet through no fault of his own. If the laboratories were open on Saturday afternoon it would be a great boon to such students, enabling them to make up, without obliging them to cut or crowd other things as important, which they may have on their hands. It seems to me that such a course would entail a comparatively trifling increase in trouble or expense to the University, and would be a very great convenience to the students.

